"AlluPattern" is project I worked during my first weeks at the academy which is based on geology books I bought in Mevius.
I was fascinated by schemes I found in these books.
It allowed me to constitute a small personal archive of these books and then from them to get a personnal collection of these geological patterns.
I extracted and selected few patterns that I turned into a personnal graphic interpretation via photoshop.
As these books were precisely speaking about metals in layers ground, it feels logical for me to recreate a certain alluminium brightness.
After working and living
with these geology books,
I realized
I was surronded by
some similars shapes
crushed leftovers
alluminium foils or,
washed out by rain,
cardboard pulp
feeting pathways gaps
Smiley is a symbol
is also living with me
referring to this techno
music I'm listening to
it's also a graphic
way for me to
engage a work/project
by a different aspect
here this combina